
Service description

Transcription (Speech-to-Text) is used primarily by hard of hearing and deafened students who prefer to communicate in Czech, not in the Czech Sign Language.

Simultaneous transcription of written Czech is performed by a trained transcriber, who records everything that has been said into a PC or a laptop. The text appears on a monitor (may be used for transcription for one or two persons), on a screen or on a tablet (may be used for transcription for more persons). By reading the transcribed text, the hard of hearing / deafened student receives information by sight, i.e. in a form that is sensorially more accessible than listening to a speech.

For transcribing written Czech, we use the Text on Top application, which enables viewing the transcribed text on a tablet. The Institute of Deaf Studies has several tablets at its disposal, offering them on long-term loan to students interested in using the simultaneous transcription. Those interested in borrowing a tablet can contact Bc. Kateřina Bělehrádková.

The transcription serves the student solely during the class/event; upon termination of the class/event, the transcribed text is sent to the coordinator of services for archiving and then deleted. It is forbidden to diffuse the transcription without consent of all speakers recorded by the transcription.

A transcriber is (as per the order) present at regular seminars and lectures listed in the timetable, lectures and seminars beyond the fixed timetable, special events within the classes (guest, excursion etc.), tests, matriculations, graduations, individual tutorials, dealings with the Faculty’s authorities and other activities related to studies at CUFA.

The transcriber shall abide by the Internal IDS Rules for Provision of Services to CUFA’s Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deafened Students.

When arranging the transcription, the Faculty cooperates with the Centre for Mediation of Simultaneous Transcription of the Czech Union of the Deaf, Prague. Transcribers are CUFA’s external employees on the basis of agreements to complete a job.

Simultaneous transcription started to be used by the Deaf Studies programme on a trial basis in 2011 for its open day and entrance examinations. Since the beginning of 2012, we have been covering the transcription orders in full extent. The transcription is used by students not only of the Deaf Studies but also of other CUFA programmes.

Transcription order

General information about ordering the transcription may be found here.

One orderer may order either the service of transcription or interpreting. In the event of multiple orderers per group/event, the transcription and interpreting may take place simultaneously. Transcription/interpreting are almost always supplemented with the note-taking service.

Transcription may be ordered even for a class/event in English. The transcriber does not translate into Czech, the result of his work being a text written in English. The orderer must point out the fact that the event is going to be in English when ordering the service.

Úvod > Services for the Deaf > Speech-to-Text